Monday, January 4, 2010

CuTe StOrY

Friday evening as I was preparing supper I asked Lydia to go to the stairs and let her daddy know it was time to eat. I had never asked her to do this before but, she is such a BIG helper in the kitchen I needed something to distract her and move her out for a small amount of time. She promptly walked to the stairs, stood at the top and yelled...KANE....KANE....KANE...I wonder where she saw something like that?!?!? I guess kids really do pick up on their parents actions. Needless to say we all thought it was pretty funny. AND it worked he came up to eat :)


Christie's Endless Craze said...

Now that is funny! I can see her with her belly pooched out and yelling for her daddy :)

laura mcpherson said...

This totally made me LAUGH OUT LOUD!!! That is too funny! They sure do pick up on everything we do :)

Barrett has yet to call us "Justin" or "Laura," but I'm sure it's coming soon!