Monday, February 8, 2010

Me and My Pink Bear

I have been cleaning out and organizing ALL the pictures we have on our computer (which is a lot). Looking at all the pictures of my Lydia Grace brought a tear to my eye. Remembering what it is like to hold a newborn baby, cuddling with them in the rocker, and their sweet smell. She has grown so much in 27 months! However, when I look back at pictures I see that beautiful smile and her amazing eyes. AND that personality...what a blessing! AND I also realized that she was pretty darn cute even with NO hair or teeth!!
one month
two months
three months
four months
five months
six months
seven months
eight months
nine months
10 months
11 months
AND it looks like I forgot to take a 12 month picture...gosh, what was I think! Love you sis :)


Christie's Endless Craze said...

What a sweet post! I can't believe how little she once was. It has been such a blessing to get to watch Lydia grow up into the sweet little girl that she is. I can't wait to see how she handles the new role of BIG SISTER!

Amber said...

OK now I am crying. Can't believe how fast our kiddos have grown. I can't wait for the new little Hittle to arrive. Lydia is going to love that baby :)
Keep smiling LG because I love that smile.

Cow Pies & Mud Pies said...

Oh so sweet...I love the pics where she has her little hands together!